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Horncastle YFC Visit1st December 2023
This week, we welcomed Horncastle YFC for a talk on our sprayers along with a factory tour. We always enjoy hosting the young farmer groups, its great to be able to show what goes into the process of building our sprayers. If you are a Young Farmers group, […]
21st July 2023
On Tuesday 11th July we welcomed 30 students from Hong Kong to Househam HQ for a factory tour. The students came from VTC Hong Kong as part of an exchange programme with Lincoln UTC. After a brief introduction to our history and product, we took the students through our factory’s different areas, including our assembly […]
6th June 2023
Only 7 days to go until showtime! Come and see our latest range at #Cereals2023 this year being held at Thoresby Estate, Notts. NG22 9EQ on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th June 2023. “We are excited to showcase our crop-spraying range at #Cereals2023. Our product range is a testament to our commitment of providing farmers and […]