With improved graphics and enhanced features, it incorporates GPS Automatic Section Control (ASC) and AB line tracking with a variety of guidance line settings. NavGuide has the ability to import a variety of maps (.shp, .shx and .dbf file) from different applications and is capable of collecting an ‘As Applied’ map that reflects the rate applied by the sprayer. NavGuide offers the opportunity to export both a Google Earth (KML) file and PDF report that include guidance lines, boundaries and maps of the coverage, so users can be reassured the job has been done correctly. With an operator friendly screen it provides the flexibility for each individual to make it their own, supporting multiple boom lengths, section layouts and the ability to manually override working widths.
Tried and tested extensively on our machines already, here is what some of our customers had to say about the NavGuide: “It’s simple to use, clean and with the reports gives you peace of mind. As a contractor the clear reports are incredibly useful to give back to customers so I can show them all the info they need regarding each field.” Another says “Visually it works a treat, nice having all the advanced features along the bottom, making it clear and easy to read. It’s easy to use, works really well and it is definitely making my days easier and the whole machine more efficient”
NavGuide has been introduced as an option on all of our new Air Ride, Harrier and Predator machines and a retrofit solution is available for all machines currently in the field.                                                                                                                                         Â
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